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California Palace of the Legion of Honor
Lincoln Park
San Francisco, California 
Office of the Director 

March 17, 1939.

Dear Bob: 
It depresses me to see that the date on your letter is March 6th, but as you suggest, things have been very complicated here and I was very nearly "done up" with the last minute rush of work on the catalogue of Walter Heil's section of the show at the Exposition. There was so much to do and so little time in which to do it that we almost went crazy. However, the show opened on schedule and even though we were disappointed  that the printer was not able to finish the catalogue for the opening date they will be out this coming week. Needless to say, copies will be sent you as soon as possible.

This is pretty late in the game to be thanking you for expediting the matter of a loan of a picture to the show but I want you to know that we are deeply grateful to you for your prompt and successful efforts. Walter is delighted with the Fragonard which is, of course, a most attractive addition to the 18th Century gallery.

And now to answer your inquiry about Mr. Backus. As I understand it, he is very wealthy and comes from Seattle. With the able assistance of Anna Henle and a Mrs. Lawrence Dane he has set up a gallery at 1155 California Street where they are showing some first Magazines of Art. Mr. Backus is there listed, I believe, as Direct of the Schaeffer Galleries. It will be interesting to see the result of this venture for I think you know enough of the local situation to appreciate the difficulties of launching a business of this kind on San Francisco. 

I don't know what can have happened to Nicol. He left here the end of January and expected to be in New York last month. Moira went on to join him in the later part of February. Unless I am mistaken, they are due back here around the middle of April.

The other day Miss Edith Wetmore was here and I had a very interesting visit with her. She said that she knew you and also spoke specially of Casar de Hauke. I have known of Miss Wetmore for a long time - principally through our mutual friend, Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan, but this is the first time I ever met her. 

I am wondering if you ran across the Morassis during their brief sojourn in New York? As you know, he is director of The Brera. We found them a charming couple. They are sailing for home today.

The most recent news of more than local interest was the announcement yesterday of our very great friend Bill Wallace's marriage to the vivacious Ina Claire. This marks the culmination of a romance which began twenty years ago when Bill was at Harvard. There's romance for you!

Francesca and I have already had the pleasure of extending the right hand of fellowship to a number of eastern visitors and we both hope that you and Helen will be coming out this way before the sincerity of our greeting becomes too mechanical.

As ever - 

Sincerely yours, Jon
Thomas C. Howe, Jr. 

Mr. Robert M. Levy,
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
New York City, N.Y.