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January 30th, 1939

Dear Tommie:

Replying to your letter of January 27th, your suggestion or request for the loan of a picture to the San Francisco Fair is much appreciated, but is rather vague in its classification. 

I wonder if you could be a little bit more specific, and first tell me the exact scope of the exhibition. From what I know, it is a general history of art manifestation, but how far back is this to go, and with what date does it close? In other words, would it include, for instance, French 19th century painting and some 20th, or will the exhibition stop around 1800?

Is the emphasis on the old or the modern?

In addition to the items coming from Italy which I know, can you tell me that is coming from other sources abroad and, finally, what type of thing would you especially like to have from us, preferably amongst the old masters. 

Would you give me the exact dates of the exhibition, and would you assume costs of transportation, insurance, etc.?

All this and any other information that might be useful, we would be very glad to have, and I will take the matter up with Mr. Seligmann. I presume the time is short, so that I suggest you write by return air-mail.

With best wishes, and looking forward to hearing from you, 

As always - 


(Robert M. Levy)

Thomas C. Howe, Jr., Esq.
California Palace of the Legion of Honor
San Francisco, California