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thing take its place in a collection here- especially in yours;- and knowing Bob & Terry very fond of here as would both love to have it bought from him" - I would say that it would do no harm & stress the importance rather than the beauty of the drawing. - after all I think Nicol would buy a drawing of an open wound if it were important!! I am a stinker.

Now another thing: the show which Walter has succeeded in bringing together is simply overwhelming not of in regard to the hours [[?]] abroad (you know all about them” -but also so far as what he has gotten from dealers & collectors in this country. He said to me yesterday “knowing Bob Levy as well as you do, you could perhaps do something that I can’t nor will do. & that is to write about our show & see if they want to lend something. It is going to be so [[?]] that, for their own sake, I should like to have the [[?]] represented - but since we have not been able to do anything about a Venetian painting so far, I can't very well ask them myself." - no, Bob, take this for what it is worth. I think Walter is quite sincere in what he says & believe me he does not mean it in any patronizing way. If you have any ideas in the subject, do drop us a line. The catalogue is not yet ready for the printer, so if you should have something that you wanted to lend, let me know.

My love to you both, Tom.

[[left margin]] P.S. Please reply about this in a letter which I can show Walter! - Yours truly [[/left margin]]