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January 19th, 1939

Dear Tommie:

Excuse the semi-formal tenor of my other letter, but as it is written on firm stationery, I felt it wiser to keep it along those lines.

I appreciate no end the trouble you have taken and the interest you have shown regarding Nicol, and also the Ingres drawing which you have remembered all this time. It is indeed an extremely beautiful one and exceptionally large in size. I do not believe that anyone could find a more attractive drawing.

Neumeyer had written me originally for the loan of this drawing and I had included it in a list of some 10 or 18 drawings from which I told him he could pick two of one group and as many as he wanted from the other. However, The Ingres went not on the list when he returned. Nevertheless, I feel quite sure that he would be pleased to have it, even at the last minute.

Accordingly, as I have said in the other letter, I am a bit at a loss as to what to do in view of the fact that you say Nicol is coming east. Personally, I would prefer to keep the drawing here if I could be sure he would come in so that I could talk to him about it and, of course, I could always send it out to him.

On the other hand, if you feel that Moira had better see it in the exhibition, I will, of course, arrange to ship it out immediately.

A thousand and one thanks for everything, and with the assurance of my "discreetness",

As always - 


Thomas C. Howe, Jr., Esc.
California Palace of the Legion of Honor
San Francisco, California