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their whims! Now, if you don't burn this letter immediately upon receiving it I'll never admit that I ever even heard of one Robert Levy! When are you sending the things out to Neumeyer?  While Nicol is leaving on the 27th, Moira e here till the 17th of February and I shall personally see to it that she attends the Mills College Show. But if you can send me a photo I'll show it to Nicol (no, I'll not frame it and try to pass it off on my guillible friends as an original, my dear boy!)

Sorry that this is so hasty and so garbles - but I felt that all our machinations should be made clear to you and then you count act accordingly. I loved hearing from you after your return from the south. Everyone seems to be havinga holiday but the Howes! But we are about to buy our house so we have no "mad money" at the moment. If we succeed [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] in carrying out our plans we shall have a decent dwelling because we want to build another story on the house. Charlotte and my Mother sailed for South America last week, so my family is scattered.

Of course we are counting on your coming out to the Exposition. All the Italian things came yesterday morning - and Morassi of the Brera came to; so Walter is up to his ears with all kinds of things. Have you been reading about Herbert in the public prints of late? He is busy too!

Our fondest greeting to you and to that pleasant wife of yours,
As ever,