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January 4th, 1939

Dear Tommie:
As usual, I am terribly grateful to you for your lengthy letter and all the detailed information which you so kindly gave me. I shall reread your letter most carefully regarding Mrs. Hammond and will probably communicate with the proper party when the occasion arises. Again, many many thanks.

I have no idea at the present writing whether my path will lead me to California during the coming season, but I sincerely hope so, as I am most anxious to see your Fair and, of course, particularly the great art exhibition. Last, but far from least, I should like to see the Howe's again.

Helen and I have just returned from Florida where we spent the Holidays with her family, and it left little to be desired.  The weather was heavenly and we are both brown and very healthy.

With best wishes all around,
As ever - 
(Robert M. Levy)

Thomas C. Howe, Jr., Esq.
California Palace of the Legion of Honor
San Francisco, California