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Dear Bob:

    This is a shamefully delayed reply to your letter of October 29th and I apologize for being so slow in answering your several inquiries.

    First of all, Mrs. Paul Fagan is at persent in San Francisco and sh ecan be reached at either of the following adresses: Easton Drive, Hillsborough, San Mateo, California (her house in the country), or Hotel St. Francis (her apaetment in town). Perhaps the country address would be better one. Frankly, I do not know if she is actively in the market for anything but I know that she makes frequent trips to New York and I think that you could very well suggest, in you suave manner, that it would give you a great deal of pleasure to see her when she is again in the East! Unless I am mistaken, she and her husband will be going to Honolulu in the early spring.

    About Nicol, I can give you more explicit information. He and his wife are at present living in Burlingame. They have taken a house for the winger and have been entertaining on a lavish scale. In fact the Howes are dining with them tonights. As you know, he married Moira Archbold last June. They spent the summer in Europe and returned East in January to fill several lectures engagements, so you may be seeing him in New York before long. I shall tell Nicol to look you up when he is in New York as I feel sure that sooner or later you might be able to do business with him or his wife. Moria is very seriously interested in music but has more than a passing fancy for pictures. I think she is particularly interested in Gauguin and Van Gogh. I will keep you posted on any developments in this direction.

    The Howe family is in the best of health. Our daughter will be a year old on the Ninth of December. It doesn't seem possible that she has already attained that great age.

     We have been hoping to go East after the first of the year but our plans are far from definite. We both feel it has been a long time since we had a fling in New York.