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Lincoln Park
San Francisco, California


September 28, 1938.

[[right margin]] RML [[/right margin]]

Dear Bob:

Thanks for your letter of September 14th. I can answer your inquiry as to what happened regarding the pictures which you lent us for the Venetian Exhibition by saying that nothing at all has happened so far. Due to the fact that so many of our trustees have been out of town for the past two months, with the result that is was impossible to come to any definite decision, Walter felt that we should return all the paintings. However, this does not mean that the matter has been dropped. He is still extremely anxious to carry out our original plan to acquire at least one picture from the show. When I think there is anything further to report in this connection I shall, of course, communicate with you at once.
[[left margin]] For G.S. [[/left margin]]

I am glad to hear that you have had a good summer. I can say the same for the Howes for we had altogether ten fine days at Tahoe and more recently I was in Hollywood and Santa Barbara for the same length of time. Francesca and I were to have spent the Labor Day holiday with Joan but at the last minute she had to go "on location" so I made the trip alone. The essential purpose of the jaunt was a very important exhibition of silver which is to be held at the de Young Museum during October. Dr. Moses and I canvassed Hollywood, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara with great success and the exhibition, I believe, will be an outstanding one. I shall see that you get a catalogue.

The morning mail brought me a letter from John Thatcher who, by long distance, had introduced Walther Horn, the new man in the Art Department of the University of California. I think that you would like him very much and if he gets back to New York again this year I shall give him a note to you.

Our "sub-deb" daughter is to be christened this afternoon and  I wish you and Helen could be here for this important event!

Francesca joins me in fondest greetings to you both.

As ever,
Thomas C. Howe, Jr.

Mr. Robert M. Levy,
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
New York City, N.Y.