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July 18, 1958.

Dear Tommy:

Many thanks for your good lines of July 13th, which I am hastening to answer. The office forwarded to me the catalogue and I must say it looks like a magnificent show. I wish I could see it, Also, congratulations on the catalogue itself. You have done yourself proud all around.

I have cabled Paris today to find out what is the very best possible price we can make you on the [[Catena??]] as well as the Tiepolo "St. Sebastian", as I am very eager to try to do some business, and would feel singularly proud if the museum would buy one of our pictures from this truly great show. Will you please tell Dr. Heil about this, and that I will let him know as soon as I shall have word from Germain Seligmann from Paris. 

This Schiff sale was remarkable and I think that everyone is very pleased and gratified at the results. 

Will keep you posted as I said above, 

With fond greetings to you and Francesca, 


Mr. Thomas C. Howe, 
California Palace of the Legion of Honor, 
Lincoln Park, 
San Francisco, Cal.