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Lincoln Park
San Francisco, California

July 6th, 1938.

My dear Bob:
Just before I departed last week for Seattle and Victoria I was informed by Sloane's here that the little billet doux which I sent some weeks ago to you and your frau had been returned unclaimed. In the rush of getting away I did not have time to give instructions that it be shipped again to your business address. Very remiss of me - especially as it is such a trifle, but please forgive the delay. Alfred Frankfurter was here at the opening of our Venetian Show and he mentioned that you and Helen had gone out to Chicago. At that time I wondered - but only vaguely - if my little package had arrived before you left. I assume now that it did not.

Such a lot of water has passed under the bridge since I last wrote you. Our show is well under way and is proving to be a great success. Both Frankfurter and Constable lectured here on the first days of the show - i.e. on Saturday and Sunday, June 25th and 26th. I particularly relished Mr. C's lecture - 18th century Venetian Painting - which, to my way of thinking, was the perfect combination of scholarship and charm! Mr. F. is a bit on the heavy side - just between ourselves - and I don't mean only his lecturing!

I mentioned above that I had been up north. My Mother came out about two weeks ago - in fact she arrived the day the show opened - to see her grandchild. She stayed a few days then progressed to Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver etc, and has now returned via Lake Louise and Banff. As she has not been very well these past months, I accompanied her as far as Victoria where she met friends. This gave me a chance to see Seattle for the first time. The museum there is very nice. It was built and given to the city by Dick Fuller (its president and director) and his mother.

Speaking of water passing under bridges - among the more vital events of the past month was Eddie's visit here. It was very brief and I, alas, was up to my back hair in the show, so I didn't see nearly so much of him as I should have liked. But it was grand to have a reunion even if it was almost as hectic as the one in New York. Francesca of course always blooms in the neighborhood of Herr Warburg, so it was all extremely pleasant. It now remains for you to return to these parts and be sure to bring that wife of yours. Is she still on speaking terms with me?

My warmest greetings to you both,
As always,