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California Palace of the Legion of Honor
Lincoln Park
San Francisco, California

Office of the Assistant Director

April 16, 1937.

Dear Bob:

     I feel very guilty in not having acknowledged the very nice letter we had from you during the holidays - particularly guilty as I am about to ask a favor of you.

    You may remember that we are planning to hold an important Goya exhibition here this summer. The plans for this show are now rapidly materializing and Dr. Heil has already secured the promise of many fine things from museums and collectors all over the country. He asked me to inquire if there is a possibility of our borrowing Philip Lehman's Goya - "Portrait of the Condesa de Altamira". If I remember correctly, when I spoke to you last year in New York about this show, I mentioned the Lehman picture and you made some remark that led me to believe that a word from you in our behalf might persuade Mr. Lehman to lend us his picture. I do hope that such is the case and that there will be a possibility of our having the painting for our exhibition. As Dr. Heil will not write to Philip Lehman until I receive a reply from you, I am enclosing a stamped envelope and I would be deeply grateful if you could drop me a line at your earliest convenience. 

New York seems as far away as ever to Francesca and to me, but we hope that your experiences out here last summer will give you and your wife a decided taste for the West Coast.

With fondest greetings from us both,
Sincerely yours,

Tom Howe

Mr. Robert M. Levy,
3 East 51st Street,
New York City, N.Y.