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February 10th, 1937

Dear Walter: 

I am sending you herewith a photograph of the Gainsborough which I showed you during your last visit here.

If I remember well, you told me that your were writing a book on this artist, and I thought perhaps you might like to mention or reproduce this picture in it. It is the "Portrait of Peter Godfrey, Esq." of Old Hall, East Bergholt, Suffolk, and comes from the Collection of Mr. George Rasmussen. Prior to this it was in the Emil Gluckstadt Collection In Copenhagen. It is unnecessary to tell you that this picture was painted during London Period around 1784-6. We have very recently bought this portrait and it is now our property. 

I wired you a few days ago to find out if you had any news about the Renoir to give me, and I trust the telegram reached you. 

With my kindest regards, and hoping these lines find you in good health,

Please believe me 

Yours very sincerely,

(René Seligmann)

Dr. Walter Heil
California Palace of the Legion of Honor
San Francisco, California

[[Signature on bottom right]]