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October 22nd, 1936

Dear Tommy:

Once again I am bothering you about a certain matter which is of considerable interest to me.

When I was in San Francisco, you spoke of Booth Tarkington, saying that you knew him rather well from Indianapolis and mentioning at the same time that he has continued to buy pictures during the past few years. Is all this true, and could you amplify this a bit more by telling me what type of pictures he has? Also, do you see any possible way that I might be able to contact him so that he would come in the galleries when he is in New York? I mention this because I am not planning any trip to the west for the time being, and do not think I am going to Indianapolis.

Please forgive my eternal pestering, but I should be very grateful if you could help me out in any way regarding the above.

With many thanks in advance, and with warmest greetings,

As ever yours,

(Robert M. Levy)

P.S. Don’t you gave a date in the very near future with our Indiam friends for the opera? I want to hear all about it.

Thomas C. Howe, Esq.
California Palace of the Legion of Honor
San Francisco, California
