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March 23rd, 1936

My dear Walter,

I have just come back from a trip to Florida and I am certainly disappointed not to have seen you in New York.

I caught a glimpse of Mr. Fleishacher, but I do not have to tell you that that didn't take the place of seeing you. 

Upon my arrival I met a friend of yours, Mrs. Armstrong Taylor. She fell in love with a picture of "Saskia" by Ferdinand Bol which, if I remember well, you liked so much. It had just come back from exhibition in Chicago and Worcester and Mrs. Armstrong Taylor purchased it.

Do you know that my friend John Magnin has bought the Vermeer? It certainly will eventually go to the Museum with the rest of the collection and will be a good addition to what he already has. The picture you probably already know as it belonged to Edourd Jonas who had had it for a great number of years.

Dor let me know how you are. Evelyn joins me in sending you our kindest regards.

Cordially yours, 

(René Seligmann)

Dr. Walter Heil:
California Palace of the Legion of Honor,
San Francisco, California.


Transcription Notes:
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