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SEURAT, Georges (1859-1891)


Pencil drawing: 12-1/2 x 9-3/8"

Inscribed on the back in Fexis Feneon's own handwriting:
"Seurat S" and the numeral 140.

Two women, the one at the right seen from the rear carrying a large bundle on her head; the other at the left seen from the side standing in the shadows.

COLLECTIONS:[[UNDERLINED]] Camille Pissarro (Sale Paris Dec. 3 1928 #73)
Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan

W.A. Harriman.

Lent by Jacques Seligman & Co., New York

BIBLIOGRAPHY:[[UNDERLINED]] "The Drawings of Georges Seurat" by Germain Seligman - No. 52 of catalogue, Reproduces Plate XL.
Mentioned p.p 24, 31, 32, 33.

Transcription Notes:
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