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                                   October 9, 1952

Dear John,

It was very nice to hear from you again as I have been thinking you would probably be in town one of these days and perhaps even with Isabel and Marita-Isabel. But a letter is better than nothing.

I have talked over with Mr. Seligman the matter of the loan to your exhibition of Spanish Art, Medieval through Modern. He will be happy to lend a painting of which the rather battered photograph is enclosed. This "Portrait of a Man" was formerly attributed to Velasquez but Mr. Seligman is convinced it is by Valdes Leal (1650-1691) and that is the artist whose name we are using. A complete description is attached.

We do have one question however. At what date will the Exhibition close? Mr. Seligman would not wish to have the painting away for more than three weeks. You mention as the probably opening date November 10 but make no reference to the closing day.

As is our custom, we would keep the painting insured from the time it leaves here until it is returned. [[handwritten]]We assume you will undertake packing and shipping.[[handwritten]]

Looking forward to hearing from you and sending best wishes to the Davis family.

Mr. John Davis
College of Fine Arts
Syracuse University      (Mrs. T.D. Parker)
