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March 14, 1958

To Members of the Northeast Museum Conference: 

It is my pleasure to extend to you an invitation to attend the Northeast Museums Conference which will be held in Delaware on November 6-9, 1958. Your hosts for this occasion will be the Delaware Art Center, the Delaware State Museum, the Hagley Museum, the Historical Society of Delaware, Longwood Gardens in nearby Pennsylvania, and our Museum. All join me in hoping that it will be possible for you to be with us in the fall. 

Committees representing the cooperating institutions are already at work on arrangements and program. The theme which has been chosen for this year's conference is "New Horizons for Museums," and it is our plan to discuss new ideas and methods which have been developed in the areas of interpretation, presentation, preservation and restoration, and mass communication. I am happy to announce that Dr. Froelich Rainey, director of the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, has consented to keynote our conference. Dr. Rainey, as you know, has recently made an intensive and sensitive study of museums in various parts of the world, and has been the moderator of the highly successful network television program, "What In The World." 

We are also reserving time in the program for you to visit museums and historic sites in northern Delaware and, of course, for the all-important social periods which we all recognize as being so provocative of ideas in informal discussion. 

A bit later I shall send you a detailed program and all information as to arrangements. In the meantime I hope that you will mark the dates of November 6, 7, and 8 on your calendar and plan to be with us for what I anticipate will be a stimulating and profitable meeting. 

Charles F. Montgomery

Charles F. Montgomery
President, Northeast Museums Conference


TELEPHONE:OLympia 6-5491

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