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INGRES, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867)


Canvas, 16 x 12-3/4"     1833

The new stretcher on which the painting is now applied measures 12-1/2 by 9-3/4". The balance of the canvas is folded on the back of the stretcher.

Inscribed at lower right: "Etude donnée par M. Ingres à Achille Martinet, 1833" (beneath frame)

The young woman's head, seen at an oblique angle, is tipped slightly to her right. She has soft grey eyes, a fine straight nose and a small mouth with parted lips. Her blond hair is pulled away from her face and knotted in the back with a wisp curling at the neck. On her face is a soft, warm glow as if from candle light. The shadows are grey on the neck and siena around the eyes and mouth.

Around the head a dark background of umber and siena is freely brushed in; the rest of the canvas if left a warm grey.

Collections: Achille Martinet
Paravey (?)
J. A. Boussac
Baron Cassel

Bibliography: J. A. Boussac Sale, Paris, Hotel Drouot, March 4, 1931, No. 58, reproduced pl. XXIX.

"Ingres" by Georges Wildenstein, London, Phaidon Press, 1954, No. 210, reproduced fig. 142.

This study may be an early one for "Le Bain Turc" (1859-1863), in which Ingres employed studies made throughout his lifetime.

Note: Achille-Louis Martinet (Paris, 1806-1877) was a well-known designer and engraver, receiving many awards in Salons and Expositions during his lifetime. He is known to have engraved Ingres' "L'Homere Dëifié," as well as works by many other artists.


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