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September 8, 1969

Dear Mr. Bedini:

It is with deep interest that I read your pleasant letter of August 21st by which you are hoping to obtain further information about antique scientific instruments of the Renaissance.

However, I am afraid that I shall have to disappoint you, Namely, I have no recollection - since I am at the head of this Firm (1923) - of having ever acquired such instruments and, unfortunately, the archives of the then existing Paris Firm were all destroyed during the Nazi occupation.

On the other hand, you mention the Firm of Arnold Seligmann, Rey & CO. which was right along an entirely separate entity and which since has been liquidated - and their records, if kept, would not be available to me.

In spite of the negative character of my answer I am wondering whether Mr. Nicolas LANDAU - 8, rue du Cirque, Paris VIIIe - who, to my knowledge, collects such works of art, could not trace some of these items.

I am sorry indeed not to be of greater help in your undertaking.

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Silvio A. Bedini
Assistant Director
The National Museum of History
and Technology
Smithsonian Institution
Washington D.C. 20560


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-08 20:58:09 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-09 16:11:26.