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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office of Assistant Quartermaster, Fifth District, Va.

Fort Monroe, Va.     186
Bvt. Major Geo Q. White.
Chf. Q. M. and F. A.
Richmond, Va.

Received Office Chief Qr. Mr & FA
Bureau R.F. & A Lands Dept. Potmc
Richmond Va, Jany 11, 1867.


I have the honor to ask for instructions upon the matter of Public Horses now in the Service of Officers of the Bureau in this District.
I observe in the New Manual issued by the Comr. at Washington Dec 1. 1866. in the allowance of horses only one horse is to be allowed at the Hd. Qrs. of each Sub Asst. Comr.  There are in use by the Supt and his Assts. in this District, 35 horses and 9 mules, the property of the Q.M. Dept and two horses which are the property of the Bureau. If the Manual is to be strictly observed it is my duty to transfer all surplus animals to you that they may be disposed of at once. I beg therefore to ask for instructions whether I am to call in all the above animals so as to make this transfer 
In reference to issues of Stationary, I beg to ask whether I am to continue to issue to the Supt and to the Asst. Supt. in the Dist. such amount as may be required for use of their respective offices, or whether a specified amount only should be issued as per the New Manual.
For your information I beg to append a statement of where the horses are and the service they are engaged in.



Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-17 15:22:36 Minor punctuation fixes