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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,

Richmond, Va., February 25th 1867.
Brevet Brigadier General O. Brown
Acting Assistant Adjutant General
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Department of the Potomac, Richmond Va
     In reply to your communication of the 25th instant, calling my attention to the remarks Bvt Brigadier General F.D. Sewall acting Inspector General of the Bureau, relative to the delay in providing the Hospitals at Hampton and Yorktown with stoves at an earlier period than the latter part of January 1867, when requisitions for same had been made in November, I have the honor to submit the following statement.
     By papers on file in this office it appears, that Requisitions for 16 stoves, 500 feet of pipe and 20 elbows were forwarded by Bvt. Lieut. Colonel Thos. G. Whytal A.[[?]].M. on the 2d. day of October 1866, to the Assistant Commissioner for his approval and forwarded by him approved to Major General Howard on the 11th of October. This requisition was received at Bureau Head Quarters on the 6th of the same month, on the 11th of December it was returned to Bvt Lt Colonel Whytal by Bvt Brig. General Henry M. Whittlesey Chief Qr. Mr. of the Bureau, calling his attention to the 1st paragraph of article III of the officers manual (then in course of publication) and stating that fuel for offices of assist. Sub Commissioners, must be  supplied by the Bureau, Sub