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L.B.G.R. 76.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Superintendent 1st District of Virginia
Norfolk Va. March 7th 1867

Mr. Wm. P. WIlliamson
"Vulcan Works" Balto. Md.
   In reply to your communication of the 2nd inst. I would state that the following papers are necessary to restore to the former owner full possession of the property, situated on Granby St of this City, and known on the records of this office as belonging to Wm Williamson, viz.:
  1st  Copy of the Oath of Amnesty,
  2nd  Proof of title
  3rd  Certificate from Clerk of United States District Court that no libel has been commenced against this property, or, if there has been, that the same has been dismissed.
  4th   Affidavit that the applicant does not come within any of the exceptions of the Presidents Proclamation dated May 29th 1865.  The above mentioned papers together with an informal application sent to these Hd Qrs will be forwarded to Richmond for action.
   I am Sir
Very Respectfully &c
J.H. Remington
Brvt. Major and Superintendent 1st Dist &c