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Boston, March 5, 1867

Major Genl Howard

Dear Sir,

I have had transmitted to me by Genl Edw'd A. Wild, a letter written by Wm Fowler, A. A. Genl, asking information in regard to the disposition made of the sum of $300.00, alleged to have been deposited by one Lewis Johnson in the hands of Capt. H. W. Allen, for ultimate deposit in the Savings Bank.

Genl. Wild desired me to look over his vouchers and to see if any receipt had been given to him or to Capt. Allen by Capt. O. Brown, for such sum, as he states that all such sums placed in his hands, or thos of Capt. Allen, were transferred to Capt. Brown and a receipt taken, and if Lewis Johnson's name was not among the number, he (Genl Wild) had no knowledge of the alleged deposit.

I cannot find the name of Lewis Johnson, or the specific sum of $300. in any receipt.

The following is a statement of the receipts which I do find.  Oct. 31st 1864 Capt. O. Brown receipt to