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Washington D.C. May 1st 1867.
Bvt Lt Col A. P. Ketchum
A. A. A. General,
Bureau of R. F. and A. L.
In compliance with instructions from you, to explain why I left my station as Asst Supt of the Counties of Pr George and Dinwiddle, Va, which I am reported to have left without proper authority, by Bvt Major J. R. Stone, Supt 2nd Dist of Va, I respectfully invite your attention to the enclosed copy of an order from the Adjt General, and to to the following statement. I came to the office of Major Stone, April 1st, he asked me if I had got my orders? (He knew that I had received an appointment in the regular army and suspected orders to join my regiment.) I replied, yes. I then made out receipts for the property in my possession pertaining to the Bureau of R. F. & A.L. which he signed and I now hold. I did not show 