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Adjutant General's Office.
Washington March 23d 1867

I forward herewith your Commission of Second Lieutenant, your receipt and acceptance of which you will please acknowledge without delay, reporting at the same time your age and residence when appointed, the State where born, and your full name, correctly written. Fill up, subscribe and retun as soon as possible, the accompanying oath, duly and carefully executed. Should you accept the enclosed commission, you will, after complying with the above instructions, repair at once to Reynolds Barracks, Washington D.C. and report for duty to the Commanding Officer of your regiment. 
I am, sir, very respectfully, 
Your obedient servant
(Signed) J.C. Kelton 
Adjutant General 

2d Lieut Jonathan A. Yeckley 
44th U.S. Infantry, Dinwiddie C.H. 
