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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner State of Virginia
Richmond, Va., April 29 1867.

Bvt. Brig. Gen. O. Brown
Asst. Com'r.

I have the honor to report that in obedience to your instructions, under date of the 22nd inst., I went to Danville on the 23rd and made careful investigation into the condition of the Freedmen's School at that place and the connection of Mr. Geo. Dixon with the same. I had free and full conversations with Bvt. Col. G. B. Carse, asst. sub. asst. comr., Maj Johnson in charge of the Burial Corps, and Rev. Harrison Scott, pastor of the colored congregation, which worships in the school building,- all of whom strongly favor the purchase of the property by the colored people for a church. 

I also conversed with Mr. & Mrs. Dixon, Lewis Scott, deacon of the colored church, and two other very intelligent colored men not connected with that church,- all of whom favored the purchase of the property by the Friends Association of Philadelphia. There is a strong personal feeling