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allowances for wood consumed after November 23d 1866 as may be agreed upon.

Respectfully Your Obdt. Servant
(Signed) W.P. Austin
Capt and Supt. 1st Dist

Captain Austin also forwarded statement of Mess Jackson and Simmons over their signatures explaining the award for the rents of Taylor Farm, upon which they were referees, - also vouchers, stating in the communication transmitting these papers, that, if these vouchers were correct Mr. Taylor would sign them, but if not correct vouchers be sent for Mr. Taylor's signature.

On the 4th of February 1867, Captain Austin was instructed to return the checks forwarded him on the 8th of January 1867.

All the papers in this case were forwarded to Brevet Brigadier General H.M. Whittlesey Chief Quarter master Bureau R.F. & A. Lands on the 10th of February 1867, "for information as to whether the endorsements of the Commissioner of December 15th 1866 directing the payment of the rent fixed by the Arbitrators is intended to include the amount allowed for wood consumed by the Freedmen." - and received back March 12th 1867 from General Whittlesey