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are buying arms or ammunition or have any intention so to do. Should be very likely to know it if there was anything of that sort going on. Am frequently called upon by the Colored People to preserve order about their Lodge or League meetings.

As a general rule they are peaceable and quiet. They, I am sure do not go armed, but generally carry canes some of them pretty large size. Reports have been cuculated that they intend to create disturbance, but I can find no foundation for such reports.

Have never heard that any one had given them any such advice – Now hear that Capt. Chandler had advised them to procure any–think that if that had been the case some of the Colored people would let me into the secret of it. [[strikethrough]] decline to say whether I am a member of the League. [[/strikethrough]] I think Capt. Chandler is liked by many of the Union men.

He appears to be prompt in his business transactions, as a case or two may show.

A Preacher (Colored) by the name of Robert Orrick having a Licence to marry or perform the Marriage Ceremony has Married a Black man to a White Woman. Captain