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against me and [[?]] as a citizen of the U. States and of the state of Virginia, to whom I have ever heard and then will forward allegiance under their Laws of [[?]] Sovereignty the Constitution of the U. States.

As respects the parties to this petition I am desirous only that their rights and interests shall not be injured, or impaired by any connection with mine. I have had no part in drawing this petition and no knowledge of the contents until it was put into my hands by Genl. Brown, and therefore protest that I am in no sense, or degree bound by its allegations, except so far as they are true, and I desire only to set forth as specifically as I can now what parts I admit and what I deny.

The Petition makes its statements numerically, and for brevity I follow its order. This statement is, as far as it goes, correct. John C. Wise did contract to sell the farm to Wm H. Parker and myself as joint purchasers, for the sum of $16666 2/3, but was bound to convey the same in fee simple, free of all incumbrance whatever, and especially of all dower interest therein of his wife, Ann F. Wise. 

Statement No. 2 is correct. 

Statement No. 3 is correct in this, that