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possession and the right of possession thereof, from the 1st day of January A.D. 1860. John C. Wise and his heirs retained and still retain the Legal tittle, and the land is subject to the dower of Ann F. Wise, to be laid off to her by metes and bounds; and the $4666 2/3 balance of the purchase money was no longer payable by the purchasers, Parker and myself, after the death of John C. Wise, as he and his wife have never executed the deed in fee-simple warranting the title to the land free from the dower interest of the wife. The value of the dower in one third of the 884 acres, for the life of Ann F. Wise, must be deducted from the said balance of purchase money $4666 2/3. She must be endowed of a portion of the manor house and the curtilage adjacent and her dower can't be less in value than [illegible] besides the loss to purchasers from the damaged dower to them by withholding the fee-simple title. 

4. The statement No. 4 is correct. I, Henry A. Wise, paid to John C. Wise $12000, out of my own, separate funds, in part payment of the purchase money - Wm H. Parker thus became indebted to me, in the sum of $6000; leaving the land subject