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Received from Bureau Refugees, Freedman and Abandoned Lands, Richmond, Va., Transportation Orders No 951, 954, 955, 956, 957, and 959, for teachers to their homes - (See letter from Genl Whittlesey dated June 15th/67 

N.C. Brackett.
Supt Freed Schools
Vally of Va.

To Brevet Brigadier General O. BROWN,

(Please date, sign and return.)
Mr. Brackett

Received from Bureau Refugees, Freedman and Abandoned Lands, Richmond, Va., Transportation Orders No 942, 945 & 946 for Misses Martha A & Mary J. Cook, Mary S Rowell, & Cornelia Jones requested May 30th/67

Martha A. Cooke
Mary J. Cooke
Cornelia Jones
Mary S Rowell

To Brevet Brigadier General O. BROWN,

(Please date, sign and return.)
Miss Martha A Cooke &c