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[[left margin]] General Conditions [[/left margin]] 
their proper position which are expected to assume and to fill in their new positions as Freedmen—
Many of them in this county are buying small tracts of land varying from 10 to 30 acres according to their means, and putting up buildings of their own, and rendering themselves and families quite comfortable. There is a marked improvement in the feeling between the Whites & Colored people. The Whites evince a better disposition between the Colored people, and in some instances are doing better by them than by their own race.
Selling them Lands in small lots and when the colored people cannot pay as such, they give them time to raise crops and pay at some future time. With many of the whites however, were it not for the presence of an Officer I think would persecute and harsh treat the Freedmen and Union men of the County.
As a general thing, through the assistance of the Officer in charge they receive justice at the hands of Courts and their Testimony is received and due allowance given, but with what weight received against whites, when colored people are the complainants I judge to be small.
[[left margin]] County Assistance]]

The application or any occasion required to care on the Authorities of the County, to render assistance to the Colored poor of the County. They evince a spirit to do all, and render all assistance in their power, according to the means at their command; alike to both Black & White —