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modified since the passage of the Military Bill and they are held in some restraint for fear of the Military power, and that Confiscation may be resorted to as a means to bring them to a proper respect for the Government of the United States

[[left margin]] Labor [[/left margin]]
Laborors are in great demand and a sufficint number cannot be obtained and one great reasons is: Freedman think they will not be treated well. And that they may have trouble to get their pay. The colored people are generally industrious and receive a fair compensation for their services. But few cases, or complaints are made, and those of a nature easy to adjust. Many cases there are where complaints would be made, but for Fear, and knowing full well that they stand but a small chance to have justice done them by the Magistrates in civil cases when the Whites are a party concerned—

[[left margin]] Pauper Support [[/left margin]]
But very little disposition is manifested by the Authorities to give any aid or assistance to poor and indigent Colored People, and the cases have been few that require any assistance

[[left margin]] Marriage [[/left margin]]
In regard to Marriage Registers very little has been done, but I am happy to say the Officer in charge is doing all he can in the premises—

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-30 15:17:40