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have its due weight in all courts and before all magistrates. Such is the opinion of Lt Smith, but I am inclined to think from conversations with individuals and from intelligent colored people; that were it not for the presence of an Officer of the Bureau colored people would not receive that justice which is their due when White people were a party concerned.

Labor -

Labor is in great demand and the supply from that county is small.

Applications have been made, and many laborers have been sent there who receive good wages, and good treatment, and still the demand is not satisfied.

Support of Paupers -

The Authorities of Loudon County for the most part support the poor of all classes without regard to races -

In one or two cases Lt Smith informs me that he has sent to the Hospital for treatment - destitute and poor people of Color -

Marriage Records -

Like all other Agents Lt Smith informs me that he finds great trouble in perfecting his Record of Marriages, but by perseverance he doubts not but what it can be accomplished in a satisfactory manner -