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The Affidavit of Charles W. Hickman made before me James E. Turner Notary Public, for the County  of Elizabeth City, this 18" day of July 1867.
   Charles W. Hickman being first duly sworn depose and saith that he is a farmer residing in the County of Elizabeth City and State of Virginia, that he lives near the land of Joseph Segar, which was formerly well wooded, but now entirely stripped of its timber and wood since he late war began.  That he know the woodland of the said Segar very well and states where were on it before the war somewhere between fifty and one hundred cords of wood, per acre That a small tract of about six acres in the same neighborhood which he purchased yielded about one hundred of cords  per acre  This deponent also states that the price of wood during the war was from four to five dollars per cord.  That he sold at five dollars per cord and to the Government. Its price is now Five dollars and seventy five cents per cord.  That he believes that the whole of the wood land on the land was cut off by the Freedmen, and nine tenths of it beyond a doubt.
C.H. Hickman

Sworn and subscribed to before me a Notary Public for the County of Elizabeth City Co. Virginia the day and year above written and in testimony where of I have hereunto set my seal notarial
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James E Turner
Notary Public