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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner State of Va,
Richmond, Va., July 31st 1867.
Maj Genl O.O. Howard
I have the honor to report that Capt. E. B Gates, VRC, has just brought to these Head Quarters copy of S.O. 117, dated July 27th inst from your Head Quarters, ordering "him to reports for assignment to duty at Warrenton" in this State, and not for general assignment to duty as has been usual. No copy of that S.O. has been received here, and no order relieving Lt Chase, now on duty as A. S. A. Comr, at that point. Apart from any such order I beg respectfully to state, that there is no cause known at these Head Quarters why Lt. Chase should be relieved, while there is reason to relieve another officer in another portion of the State. 
In the absence of Genl. Brown, and being apprehensive of a clerical error in substituting the word "Warrenton" for "Winchester" in some  correspondence which I am aware Genl. Brown recently