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Glouc. Co. Va.
July 25, 1867

General Armstrong,
   I understand from rumor, that there is avacancy in the Freedman's Bureau, of an Agent in Matthews and Gloucester Counties.  If such be the case, I would like to be appointed to fill the vacancy.
   I was in the United States Service throughout the War, and served in every capacity from private to 1st Lieutenant; was an Enlisted man in the 23rd Mass. Infantry, for five years, and an officer in the 1st U.S. Colored Cavalry, from December 1863, to January 1866.
   I was Provost Marshal on the Staff of Generals Draper and Clark, at Brazos Santiago, Texas, the last six months, I was in service.  Last April, I was appointed Registrar at large, of Gloucester County, which position, I hold at the present time.  For my fitness to fill the required place, I would refer you to Brevet Lieut. Col. H.L. Chipman, President Board of Registration, Gloucester County Va.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
J.L. Waterman