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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office of Chief Quartermaster and Disbursing Officer, District of Virginia,
Richmond, Va., September 19th, 1867.

Brevet Brigadier General O. Brown
Assistant Commissioner
Bureau R.F. & A.L. District of Virginia
Richmond, Va.

Agreeable to your letter of instructions dated September 18th 1867 I have the honor to report the following named persons as discharged from employe at these Head Quarters.

Discharge to date from September 30th 1867. 
Theodore Wardwell, office boy  salary $12.00 per month
James Cullen, Messenger  salary $12.00 per month
Joseph Woodley, Ambulance driver  Salary $10.00 per month

I would also request that Private John Dittman Co. H 11th U.S. Infantry be detailed for duty in this office as Orderly to take the place of the Office boy, and Messenger discharged.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Geo. Q White
Captain U.S.A. Chief Qr. Mr. & D.O.