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War Department,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Chief Disbursing Officer,
Washington, D.C. Nov 20 1867

Brvt Brg. Genl. O. Brown
Richmond Va.
I have the honor to enclose you herewith Check No 148, on F.S. & T. Co. for $286.70 to pay Bounty due William Weston Co. E. 2d Cav. as per vouchers enclosed.  He will call on you for the same.  I also send his discharge.

Respy Yours
Geo. W. Balloch
Brvt Brig Genl & Chf D.O.

N.P. Chipman  Late Judge Advocate Wirz Commission.
A.A. Hosmer, Late War Dep't.
Charles D. Gilmore, Late Col. 20th Reg't Me Vols.
J. Warren Brown, late Sec'y of War's Office.

Authorized Military and Naval Agency.
Chipman, Hosmer, Gilmore & Brown,
Attorneys for the Collection and Adjustment of Claims Against the United States,
Principal Office: No. 446 Fourteenth Street, Washington, D.C.
Correspondence Solicited.
P.S. Letters to us requiring an answer should contain a stamp to pay return postage.

March 12 1866
Received of William Weston his discharge from the United States service, he having been a Private in Company E 2d Regiment U.S.C. Cav. Vols., from the 25 day of December 1863, date of enrollment, to the 12th day of Feb 1866, date of discharge. Discharged at  on account of S.O. No 8 Dept of Texas
The said discharge is in our  possession, to be sued in prosecution of a claim against the United States, and will be returned when the claim is settled.
C.D. Gilmore for
Chipman, Hosmer, Gilmore & Brown.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-28 12:10:35 F.S. & T. Co. = Freedmen's Saving and Trust Company