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[[image: seal of the Department of the Interior]]                                        (1956 Convention)

                             UNITED STATES 
                       DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                  
                        BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS
                          MUSKOGEE AREA OFFICE
                          MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA


                                                       September 19, 1956

Mr. Joseph R. Garry, President
National Congress of American Indians
226 Dupont Circle Bldg.
1346 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington 6, D.C.

Dear Mr. Garry:
          Thank you for your invitation which I have just received this morning to attend the 13th Annual Convention of the National Congress of American Indians in Salt Lake City, Utah, Hotel Newhouse, on September 24-28.
          I would like very much to be able to attend this meeting, but in view of the late date I have other commitments which will not make it possible for me to attend. 
          Perhaps some future year, I may be able to do so. 

                                     Sincerely yours,

                                     Paul L. Fickinger
                                     Area Director

Memo 9/21 by VM to HLP at Salt Lake, advising her of this.                                                     

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-23 19:38:13