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[[image: seal of the United States Department of Interior]]                                        

                          UNITED STATES                    
                    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR    
                     BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS
                        WASHINGTON 25, D.C.

Acting Commr.

Sep 19 1956


Mrs. Helen L. Peterson
Executive Director
National Congress of American Indians
Hotel Newhouse
Salt Lake City, Utah

Dear Mrs. Peterson:
This is in reply to your letter of September 12 to Mr. Emmons in which you invited him to attend the NCAI meeting in Salt Lake on September 24-28.

This has been brought to Mr. Emmons' personal attention and he has asked me to let you know that due to prior commitments he will be unable to attend your meeting. As you know, he is still in the field engaged in group meetings with various tribal representatives and his schedule is quite heavy. 

Your office manager, Hilda Henderson, asked that we reply to you at Salk Lake. A copy of this is being sent to your Washington office. 

I regret that the Commissioner's attendance is not possible. 

Sincerely yours, 

W. Barton Greenwood
Acting Commissioner

CC: NCAI, Washington Office 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-23 19:46:55