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TRIBUTE TO THE UTES OF UTAH All of us who are attending the 13th Annual Convention of the National Congress of American Indians in Salt lake City, Utah, September 24 to 28, 1956, are deeply appreciative of the many contributions of transportation, supplies, materials, printing and loan of office machines. We take pride in and enjoy the exhibit of arts and crafts you have prepared for us. But above all, we thank you for the many hours and the hard work you have done and your friendliness to us. APPRECIATION We deeply appreciate the many courtesies and the friendliness extended to us by: 1. The Roman Catholic Church; 2. Church of Latter-day Saints; and 3. the Salt Lake City Ministerial Association. We are indebted to the Roosevelt Standard, Roosevelt, Utah, for contributing their services in printing the beautiful convention cover. We also very much appreciate the courtesies extended us by the Hotel Newhouse and the Chamber of Commerce. Vyola Olinger, Recording Secretary for all the delegates and visitors to the 13th Annual Convention of the National Congress of American Indians
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