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-ii- [[3 Columned Table]] |Subject|Resolution No.|Page No.| |---|---|---| |Representation, Legal|21|13| |Reservation Boundaries|22|13| |Restrictions, Imposed by Federal Regulations, Code of|3|2| |Sale of Trust Land|8|4-5| |Senate Concurrent Resolution 85|2|2| |Social Security Act, Amendment of|13|7-8| |Spokane Tribe - Employment of Social Worker, Special Agent|15|10| |Statement of NCAI Policy|1|1| |Survey of Reservation Boundaries|22|13| |Termination of Trusteeship Responsibility||| | General|20|12| | Klamation Termination Act|20|12| |Trust Land - Ownership/Disposition|8|4-5| |Unlawful Entry on Reservation Lands|22|13| |Vocational Training for Disabled Tribal Members|7|4| |Water Rights||| | Arizona - Californa|4|3| | Pyramid Lake|18|11| |Water Supply|5|4| |Whiteman, Edward; Statement of|-|9| |Yellowtail Dam Site|14|8-9| ###