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thereof the following: "except that, in making such determination, the State agency shall disregard the value of any interest of such individual in land held by the United States as trustee for any Indian, but not the income derived from such interest."

Support of Crow
Tribe's Position


WHEREAS, the Crow tribe of Indians of Montana now own as tribal lands an area of land wherein there exists and ideal dam and reservoir site which is commonly known as the Yellowtail Dam Site, and

Whereas, the Crow Tribal Council did on January 11, 1956 adopt Resolution No. 63 agreeing to sell right-of-way for said dam and reservoir to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for the sum of five million dollars plus certain other important considerations, and

WHEREAS, hearings were held by the Crow Tribe before Senate and House Committees wherein agreement was reached approving the proposed sale of land and incorporating all of the provisions of Tribal Resolution No. 63, and

WHEREAS, without knowledge of the Crow Tribe both House and Senate Committees later changed the provisions of the proposed bill deleting all of the agreed provisions included in the Tribal Resolution, except for the price of five million dollars, and

WHEREAS, the Crow Tribe was debarred from objecting to such modifications when the bill was introduced on the floor of the House, and

WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has upon three occasions provided that no further construction of irrigation projects shall be done by the United States upon the Crow Indian Reservation unless and until the consent of the Crow Tribe is obtained, and

WHEREAS, a more detailed statement of the circumstances leading up to this situation is attached to and made a part of this resolution, and

WHEREAS, the National Congress of American Indians deems it necessary and to the best interests of all tribes of Indians, that in the future there should be no alteration of legislative bills pertaining to Indian affairs without giving the tribes affected an opportunity to be heard while the bill is still in Committee,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the National Congress of American Indians, in a meeting duly and regularly assembled at Salt Lake City of this 27th day of September, 1956, that this organization does hereby support the Crow Tribe of Indians in obtaining five million dollars agreed upon in demanding that the important additional considerations deleted by both the Senate and House Committees be restored for the consideration of the Congress in accordance with the provisions of the Crow Tribal Resolution No. 63, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this organization, in view of the harmful precedent which might be set by this type of legislative procedure, pledges its active interest in obtaining an equitable settlement in this matter.

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