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Assistance to Pueblos on Drought Matters

WHEREAS, the drought which has persisted throughout the Southwest during the current year has already worked great hardships on the Pueblo people of New Mexico and will result in still greater hardships in the fall and winter months, since the Pueblo people have no reserves of stick feed or cash with which to purchase necessary food; and 

WHEREAS, emergency drought relief is therefore sorely needed;

BE IT RESOLVED, by the National Congress of American Indians in convention assembled in Salt Lake City, Utah, that we do urge the State of New Mexico and Federal officials to act promptly in bringing assistance to the Pueblo people of New Mexico and to all Indian livestock owners in the drought-stricken areas of the West.


Pyramid Lake Indian Water Rights

WHEREAS, the Truckee River is the only source of water available for the irrigation of Indian lands on the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation; and

WHEREAS, the first tow claims to the waters of the Truckee River were set aside for the irrigation of the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation land by Federal Decree; and

WHEREAS, the priority date of these water rights was set at December 8, 1859 which exceeds any other priority date for water rights on the Truckee River; and

WHEREAS, due to lack of funds and the resultant lack of ditches, canals, and irrigation facilities, only part of the total water rights have actually been delivered to the Indians on the reservations; and

WHEREAS every effort up to now to complete the irrigation system on the Pyramid Lake Reservation has been blocked by non-Indian water users acting though elected and appointed public officials, with the result that after many years the Paiute Indians of the Pyramid Lake Reservation are still without adequate irrigation facilities and are in imminent danger of losing their water rights for causes over which they have no control; and

WHEREAS, the Pyramid Lake Indians are looking toward the future and want to have their children properly cared for; 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Federal Government be urged to annually deliver to the Indians of the Pyramid Lake Reservation water from the Truckee River in the amounts set forth in the Truckee River Final Decree;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs be urged to take immediate steps to obtain the necessary funds to proceed with construction of the work necessary to deliver water to the land in compliance with the Truckee River Final Decree.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-28 09:11:51