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As Amended at the 12th Annual Convention 
September 2, 1955
Spokane, Washington


We, the members of Indian tribes of the United States of America invoking the Divine guidance of Almighty God in order to secure to ourselves--the Indians of the United States and the Natives of Alaska--and our descendants the rights and benefits to which we are entitled under the laws of the United Sates, the several states thereof, and the Territory of Alaska; to enlighten the public toward a better understanding of the Indian people; to preserve Indian cultural values; to seek an equitable adjustment of tribal affairs and tribal claims; to secure and to preserve rights under Indian treaties or agreements with the United States; to promote the common welfare of the American Indian and to foster the continued loyalty and allegiance of American Indians to the flag of the United States do establish this organization and adopt the following Constitution and By-Laws.

Name and Headquarters

The names of this organization shall be the National Congress of American Indians with headquarters in Washington, D.C.


Section 1. Membership shall be of five classes:

a. Individual Membership. Any person of Indian ancestry in the United States or a Native of Alaska is eligible for individual membership. For the purpose of this section, an Indian is a person who is recognized as a member by a bona fide Indian tribe.

b. Tribal Membership. Any bona fide Indian tribe is eligible for tribal membership.

c. Alaskan Membership. The Natives of Alaska as represented by the ANB and the ANS are eligible for membership upon the same terms as a single tribe in the United States except that the Metlakatlan tribe may be eligible for tribal membership by itself.

d. Individual Associate Membership. Non-Indian applicants may be admitted to non-voting associate membership upon the payment of annual dues as fixed by the By-Laws.

e. Organization Associate Membership. Non-Indian organizations may be admitted to non-voting associate membership upon the payment of annual dues as fixed by the By-Laws.