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someplace other than the registration desk, tell me and we will arrange any conference you will need. I think that isall of the announcements. Please do register as soon as you can so we can wind that up. There is more material. Some of [[crossed-out]]the [[/crossed-out]] you have packets with your name on them. The printing of these beautiful envelopes was donated by the Ute Tribe. I think you should know that they appropriated $250 of the Tribal Funds and in addition to that have given us $100 of dollars worth of transportation, services, supplies, free uses of office machines, stenographic services, and they've also printed that beautiful front cover of your program. But in addition to what's in here, there is very valuable and important information on the table and we urge you to pick it up. The Affiliated Ute Citizens also have made contributions. [[crossed-out]] and are[[/crossed-out]] The Utes have been the hardest working tribe for any convention we have ever had and we wish every one of you would thank the Utes [[crossed-out]] every time[[/crossed-out]] when you see one of them." Thank you Nrs. Peterson. The first session of the 13th Annual Convention of the National Congress of the American Indians is now recessed until 2'oclock this afternoon. Meet back in this room at 2 o'clock.
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-23 18:24:32
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-26 21:50:52
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-27 14:47:08