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Thank you very much, Mr. John Boyden. Beofre we go on with the program, I have one or two more introductions to make. Mrs. Betsy Ann ? a Chinook from the state of Washington. Wull you stand up, Mrs. Schnook, and take a bow? The other is Mr. William Zimmerman, former Commissionar of Indian Affairs who is now associated with the association on American Indian Affairs. Mr. Zimmermanman, will you kindly arise so they can all see you. Any more new faces in here that have not been introduced. Did you bring any friends while you were out at noon? John Maynard. Mr. President, We do have non-Indian friends who are deeply interested in our welfare and if they are not recognized I think they should get up on their own feet and introduce them-selves. Here is a gentleman from California, Mr. Frank Quinn. You may also know that we have a representative from the John A. ? Foundation from New York City. This is Charles Jones.
Are there any other people in here.