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consistent with citizenship. Indiansdemanded citizenship more than 30 years ago. You are all citizens of the United States and the state whrein you reside. and an Indian, no more than any other person, can be restricted in when and where in this country he wants to go, living where he want s to live, and engaging in the pursuits he wants to engage in, in common with all other citizens. He has all privileges and immunities of the citizens of the United States. Now we should, the government, it has been held by the Supreme Court, can lay on the Indians some peculiar, statutory disabilities and dues. That has been analogized by the ordinary law, as I say by calling it wardship. But actually its a misnomer. Yes, if a man has a trust patent, he's a ward of the government. But if he doesn't have he's a ward of the government if he's an Indian, in that same restricted sense. Its almost meaningless, however, to try to compare the word and the law of guardian and word. 
Question: We are Indians from Yakima, three of us, and when we bought our tickets to come down here, we were tax exempt. Now I was sitting her wondering, how did we get away with that?
Answer: Needless to say, the Capomin case doesn't cover that. However, I believe that there is a specific reason for that in that your corporation purchased your tickets for you. I believe that if you had purchased those tickets yourself, probably you would have paid the tax. Didn't the tribe buy the tickets for you? (yes) If the tribe buys it as a federal corporation they do have an exemption on that federal tax.
Question: If a tribe of Indians, using tribal funds, buy land anywhere in the United States, is it tax free?
Well, as you know, there is a specific ruling on that and that is that they can't do it. Tribal funds can't be used for the purchase of real estate to retire it from tax status.
(John) I want to raise a note of caution on that question, ether a tribe can buy land anywhere within the United States and have it free from taxation.