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the Public Relations activities for the last year plus making recommendations for the coming year. The Arts and Crafts Committe, we hope will prepare a brief report of its exhibit so it can be included in its report of this convention and that the Arts and Crafts Committee now will make recommendations for next years convention. The same is true of the Courtesy and Local Arrangements Committee, the Program Committee and the Registration Committee. Just because your work is finished as far as the job you had to do here is concerned, doesn't mean that you are through. We would like to have you write a report of your part in the convention for this year and also to make recommendations about how it should be handled next year. The Finance Committee should study last year's, 1955, Auditor's Report. It should also study the Financial Report of the organization from January until September 15. make recommendations for ? and draw up a budget procedure for next year. The Credentials Committee's job is to certify a correct list of individual and tribal members. Of course you will have to have to have and will be given complete cooperation of the clerks at the registration desk, the records on whose paid and will be given every assistance, but you need to make your report in the morning and you have only tonight to do your work in., to certify which tribes are member tribes in good standing , who in the tribe is certified to vote, and who in the tribal organization is to cast the vote.And that's to be a written report to the convention. It will be presented tomorrow morning. There are three more announcements. This year in the convention the National Congress is going to attempt to interview the Indians from each state.That means the several groups from Oklahoma or the several tribes from Washington, or whichever state it is, to get special photographs and special stories to be sent back to you home town newspapers. You should start tonight making appointments with ? Hayes, who is handling publicity if you would like to have the Indians from your state and delegation be interviewed, photographed, and a special story sent back to your area. Mr. Joe Hago an Arapahoe, is he here? Will you stand up? Mr. Haga has been given authorization by a new publication called the First American . I have seen an issue of it and I was very impressed by the amount